Alyvia Noonan Alyvia Noonan

What a Difference a Year Makes

In comparing this year to last year, the housing market is profoundly different with higher mortgage rates, more available homes, much lower demand & significantly longer market times.

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Alyvia Noonan Alyvia Noonan

Opportunity Knocks Now

For homeowners looking to sell in 2022, the window of opportunity is closing as the inventory climbs, demand falls, and market times grow longer.

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Alyvia Noonan Alyvia Noonan

Stop Googling ‘Housing Bubble’

It’s important to note that Google searches about a housing bubble don’t cause bubbles, nor do they reflect hard or specific economic data. They’re a glimpse into a collective mood.

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Alyvia Noonan Alyvia Noonan

A Seller’s Market Will Prevail

While the market is slowing, it is gradually evolving from its out of control, insane pace, to a normal seller’s market where pricing will be fundamental in finding success.

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Alyvia Noonan Alyvia Noonan

Unexpected Slump in Demand

Higher 30-year mortgage rates are having a major impact on Orange County demand, now at levels far below typical spring averages. Over the past month, demand dropped by 6% when it normally rises by 4%.

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